Interesting Facts About Pi

The Greek letter π was first adopted for the number as an abbreviation of the Greek word for perimeter (περίμετρος), or as an abbreviation for "periphery/diameter", by William Jones in 1706. The constant is also known as Archimedes' Constant, after Archimedes of Syracuse who provided an approximation of the number during the 3rd century BC, although this name is uncommon today. Even rarer is the name Ludolphine number or Ludolph's Constant, after Ludolph van Ceulen, who computed a 35-digit approximation around the year 1600.

Interesting Facts About Pi:

There is no zero in the first 31 digits of Pi.

The Babylonians found the first known value for Pi in around 2000BC -They used (25/8).

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If a billion decimals of pi were printed in ordinary type, they would stretch from New York City, to the middle of Kansas.

Pi in fraction form is - 837393900/266550757.

A rapidly converging formula for calculation of Pi found by Machin in 1706 was pi/4 = 4 * arctan (1/5) - arctan (1/239).

In 1882 Ferdinand Lindemann, proved the transcendence of Pi.

In ancient Greece the symbol for Pi denoted the number 80.


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